Burlington County School Crisis Response Team

Who We Are


The Burlington County School Crisis Response Team is comprised of approximately 70 members representing most local school districts, the county superintendent's office, Burlington County Institute of Technology, Burlington County Special Services School, and Burlington County College. Team members serve their districts in various capacities, such as school administrators, guidance counselors, school psychologists, social workers, teachers, school nurses and other related areas. All members of the team are volunteers who have specialized training in school crisis response.

What We Do

Team members will mobilize as a support system for schools in crisis. The presence of the team will allow the home district to remain stable, offer a greater pool of resources and enhance the district's response to the crisis within the school community.

Why Engage A County-Wide Team?

All schools have developed comprehensive emergency management plans, and most districts have both building-level and district rapid response teams to cover emergent situations. Such teams are essential, as your response in the first crucial moments of a crisis are perhaps the most important. Consider, however, the vulnerability of your school if key personnel are called away from their normal positions to aid in the sustained stages of handling a crisis in your school. Are those who best know the impacted students and staff unavailable to them in this time of need? Will the primary responders in your district be among those most profoundly impacted by this event? Burlington County's School Crisis Response Team offers the same level of support to all districts. In addition, it:

  • Shares the cost of training
  • Avoids district burn-out
  • Keeps "walking wounded" from serving as caregivers
  • Provides a highly-skilled team
  • Offers benefits of increased experience

How Can We Help?

In an event such as a student death, the Burlington County School Crisis Response Team might arrive at your building prior to the start of the school day. The Team Leader would meet with the building principal; who at all times maintains control of the crisis response. The Principal and Team Leader will discuss the services available and decide which will be implemented to assist your school community through this difficult time. Those services may include the following:

  • Facilitation of a faculty meeting before school
  • Preparation of an announcement for teachers to share with students in the classroom
  • Establishment and staffing of Safe Room/s for students to express grief
  • Assisting with security needs
  • Acting as media liaison
  • Arranging parent/community meeting
  • Support where students and /or staff congregate (i.e. cafeteria, recess, faculty rooms, latch key)

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