Deaf & Hard of Hearing (D/HH) Services

The Deaf and Hard of Hearing (D/HH) Department is proud to offer high quality Deaf Education services as a shared service provider within the State of New Jersey.

D/HH Student Observations

Our comprehensive classroom observations allow us to observe your student and their classroom environment along with a dialogue with the educational team to provide a thorough, student specific services recommendation report. We are also available for workshops and consultations! Visit our eService page for D/HH student observation services.

Teacher of the Deaf (TOD) services

ESU offers several customized TOD service models to support students in your home district that address student’s highly specific educational needs within a supplemental D/HH educational framework. TOD service models include:

  • Hourly Itinerant – For students whose language acquisition, background knowledge, literacy and social skills are comparable to their same age peers
  • Children of Deaf Adults (CODA) – CODAs present with unique challenges. While they do not have a hearing loss; their native language is American Sign Language (ASL). Our TODs have expertise in the linguistic development specific to CODAs and possess the skills necessary to bridge the gaps from ASL to English which is necessary for academic success.

Listening and Spoken Language Services

Direct services to build listening pathways or improve listening skills in challenging listening environments within school.

Cochlear Implant (CI) Support & Education

For students who are newly implanted, our highly skilled TOD’s have an expertise in CI and will help prepare the student and team for the student return to school. Our best practice services include auditory support and strategies, D/HH language support for speech therapists, environmental awareness, modifications, and intense focus and attention of auditory function and sound discrimination.

Comprehensive D/HH Child Study Team

We are excited to offer a thorough, child centered, Comprehensive Child Study Team services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. Evaluations include learning, psychological and speech language with a highly and specific training Educational Interpreters.


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